
Mobilblogg for the iPhone.

For a long time I haven't been able to develop anything constructive. It's been a severe code block that has been lasting for years. That's why it so fun to now announce some of my recent projects!

I decided to really learn Objective-C back in November. At work a customer requested a iPhone application and I was the only one that knew anything about Objective-C, so I was asked to join in a customer meeting telling them that I really knew Objective-C and iPhone development. So instead of lying my ass off I sat down and tried to get some coding done.

Eventually the customer didn't want to pay for the application so the project was never started, but I really learned Objective-C. And it resulted in my first iPhone application! It's a dedicated client to the MobilBlogg community. Together with Henrik Öhman of MobilBlogg (who did the API) an application to browse, upload and comment on photos was created. The application is submitted to Apple, who knows when it's going to be accepted :-)

The application is Open Sourced under the GPL license and you can check out the sources here.

The application could never had been made without other brilliant open source code: Three20 and JSon Framework. If you want example of using these frameworks, checkout my code.

To view screenshots and photos uploaded with the application head over to my mobilblogg!

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