
DrDolittle and Random hacking.

Hello everyone. It's blogging time again.

We released DrDolittle the other day. Check it out, it has some very fancy fixes and feature additions.

I have also done some random hacking lately.
  • Promoe - A winamp2 skinable XMMS2 client. We are hacking it good and hopefully it will fill a void that we had in the community.
  • Last.FM tool - It will get information about top rated entries over at last.fm and create XMMS2 playlists of it.
  • Music Applet - A XMMS2 proxy for the Gnome Music Applet. This fits fine into your Gnome Desktop. It's still not in the authors main branch, but I hope it will be soon :)
Have fun with XMMS2 :-)